So, here I am...a stay-at-home Mom, (also known as a housewife, homemaker, soap-watching-bon-bon-eater,) and I've been thinking...Republicans rule the airwaves, but Democrats are taking over the Blog scene. It's time to change that.
Now, I'm not a die-hard Republican by any stretch, but as a stay-at-home Mom, I'm certainly a traditionalist, and a conservative one, at that. Born and bred a Christian, I have two small children and a strong set of values to pass on to them. And I'd also like to hand over to my children a world without fear, without crime, without pollution, without poverty...and though the liberals would claim that that makes me one of them, I can't think of a Republican (or, in my case, registered Republican for voting's sake but actual Independant) Mommy alive who doesn't want all those same things for her children, whether it takes war or politics to get that world.
But we are hindered. We cannot currently give that world to our children, and unless things change -- drastically -- we will not be able to give that world to our children in the future. What hinders us? The list is endless...
But we are hindered. We cannot currently give that world to our children, and unless things change -- drastically -- we will not be able to give that world to our children in the future. What hinders us? The list is endless...
Poor education in our schools -- illegal immigrants' drain on our social security -- so many "Americans' " refusal to learn and use English -- terrorism, gangs, dictatorships, and other groups and individuals who use hatred, fear, and death as a means to their sick ends -- recidivist criminals back on the streets after a hiccough in prision -- racism, and our refusal to accept that minorities can be as racist or moreso than the majority, as well as the related fear had by the majority that they will be viewed as racist -- the lack of available health care to the masses -- the backlog of cases in our courts, and amount paid to a lawyer determining the trial's outcome -- the lack of motivation and respect exhibited by the upcoming generation...
The list goes on, and I, personally, am terrified. So it's time to address each of these problems and offer non-partisan solutions...but those solutions must be replete with VALUES...the values held by responsible, concerned Americans who respect our country, our flag, and our God, or at least our right to believe or not to believe in Him.
Here I'll be hashing out solutions and letting them be torn down once more by you, the reader, so often wiser than I with perhaps a different background, different experiences, and better ideas. I'll be re-working those ideas and submitting them to you once again for approval. Finally, I'll be submitting our solutions to those in authority to act -- city councils, mayors, governors, state Reps, Senators, law enforcement agencies, schools and school boards, and finally, our country's figurehead himself, Mr. President (whoever it is as the solution is reached). The email and physical addresses for these folks are available, and they will be hearing from me...from us...from those who are sick of sitting by and want so much to do something.
Join me over the next few days, weeks, months...years, even...as we devise real, workable, cost-effect solutions to our problems, city, state, region, country, and world-wide. I look forward to your input, and to getting to know you.
I look forward to being a part of the solution. Count me in as a concerned, conservative, proactive mommy. Solving the world's problems one child at a time.
I'm grateful for your input; it is wonderful to hear the sound opinions and solutions of another concerned parent. Together we can change EVERYTHING. Thank you for your support, SunnyAZMom.
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